Main CSS lagh? Bikin Booring? Ane kasih tahu caranya biar gak lagh !!!
Kamu Copast text ini ke notepad:
// Casey's Config v2 (CAL compliant)
// Updated for new season by CAL|Stone
// Added misc settings section
//_Set Netcode vars_
cl_cmdrate "101"
cl_interp "0.01"
cl_interpolate "1"
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "0" // Disables lagcompensation error checking, only needed if you're having any registration/loss/choke problems.
cl_lagcompensation "1"
cl_smooth "1"
cl_updaterate "101"
rate "25000"
//_Set MP vars_
mp_decals "0" // How many player sprays will be shown.
//_Set Client vars_
cl_drawmonitors "0" // Disables the rendering of ingame "monitors" which contain 3d rendered images.
cl_ejectbrass "0" // Disables brass ejection
cl_forcepreload "1" // Forces the game to load all texture and model information into memory on map load.
cl_phys_props_enable "1" // Enables phsyics props.
cl_phys_props_max "50" // Maximum amount of physics props allowed.
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0" // Disables ragdoll.
cl_restrict_server_commands "0" // Compatible/needed with serverplugins
cl_show_splashes "0" // Disables water splashes.
//_Set Render vars_
r_3dsky "0" // Disables the rendering of 3d sky boxes.
r_decal_cullsize "9999" // Any decals under this size are not rendered.
r_decals "0" // Disables decals.
r_drawbatchdecals "1" // Enables the rendering of decals in batch.
r_drawdetailprops "1" // Enables the rendering of detail props.
r_drawflecks "0" // Disables the sparks and dirt from bullet impacts.
r_drawmodeldecals "0" // Models decals (i.e. blood).
r_eyes "0" // Disables eyes in models.
r_lod "-1" // Different level of details on models. -1 = Variable at distance. 0 = None. 1 = Minor. 2 = Less minor.
r_modellodscale "1.0" // The transitioning power of LOD.
r_occlusion "0" // Enables the Model Occlusion system.
r_propsmaxdist "100" // Max distance at which props are rendered.
r_renderoverlayfragment "0"
r_rootlod "2" // Base lod of the model in the memory.
r_shadowmaxrendered "32" // Max shadows the game will render.
r_shadowrendertotexture "1" // Rendered the shadow texture causing it to match the player model.
r_shadows "1" // Enables shadows (Change be disabled for additional performance.)
r_teeth "0" // Disables teeth in models.
r_waterdrawreflection "0" // Disables the rendering of water reflections.
r_waterforceexpensive "0" // Forces cheap water.
gl_clear "0" // Disables the gl_clear convariable.
props_break_max_pieces "0" // Disables prop fragmenting
//_Set Materials vars_
mat_antialias "0" // Disables the use of multisampling to smooth out edges.
mat_bumpmap "0" // Disables bump mapping.
mat_clipz "0" // Disables optimized Z-Buffer rendering.
mat_compressedtextures "1" // Disables texture compression. Users with low amounts of system memory should turn this on.
mat_disable_bloom "1" // Disables bloom effects.
mat_hdr_enabled "0" // Disables HDR.
mat_hdr_level "0" // Double Disables HDR.
mat_mipmaptextures "1" // Enables the use of mipmapping to make textures look smooth.
mat_monitorgamma "1.6" // Lower the number the brighter the screen. Only works in fullscreen.
mat_picmip "2" // Changes the resolutions of textures when they're loaded into memory. May improve FPS on graphics cards with low memory sizes.
mat_reducefillrate "1" // Reduces the fillrate when the game is run in DXLevel 8.
mat_specular "0" // Disables Specularity on objects.
mat_trilinear "0" // Disables the use of Trilinear mipmapping.
mat_wateroverlaysize "8" // Sets the resolution of water distortion. Must be multiple of 8.
//_Set Violence vars_
violence_ablood "1"
violence_agibs "1"
violence_hblood "1"
violence_hgibs "1"
//_Set HUD vars_
hud_centerid "1" // Centers player IDs
net_graph "3" // Enables net_graph (Required in SS round)
net_graphpos "2" // Adjusts netgraph position-set between 1 and 3.
//_Set Misc settings_
cl_downloadfilter "nosounds" // Disables annoying pub sound downloads
fps_max "101" // Caps framerate. Set to max monitor refresh rate + 1.
jpeg_quality "100" // High quality screenshots
echo _Casey's Config v2 (CAL compliant) loaded_
Save as ke counter-strike source\cstrike\cfgdan simpan file ini dengan nama autoexec.cfg.
Join CS Skin Inventory On Facebook For Request Skins And join Forum of CS Skin Inventory
Jumat, 08 April 2011
Main CS Source agar tidak lagh
AUG A3 G. with Chrome Effect by David Vincent B.
Kamis, 07 April 2011
NEWS !!!
Bulan ini adalah hari ulangan umum kami para admin tidak bisa update keras lagi dan sedang membuat Proyeknya jika ingin membantu membuat proyek silahkan kunjungi cspb Facebook . Semoga ulangan umum cepat berlalu agar kami bisa update keras lagi.
Ozziel Coolz
Ozziel Coolz
Minggu, 03 April 2011
Cara membuat Vgui Tutor by Putra Airlangga
Ok langkah2 ini untuk yang punya Adobe CS :
Cara Merubah Tampilan Senjata di Buy Menu Counter Strike 1.6
1. Buka Half-Life Model Viewer
2. Buka w_<models>.mdl
3. Ganti Background Color menjadi Putih
4. Tekan PrintScreen pada Keyboard
5. Buka Adobe Photoshop
6. Klik File > New
7. Klik Edit > Paste
8. Crop pada bagian senjata saja
9. Pilih bagian senjata yang tidak terpakai menggunakan Magic Wand Tool
10.Klik Select > Inverse
11.Klik Edit > Copy
12.Klik File > New
13.Klik Edit > Paste
14.Pilih bagian senjata yang tidak terpakai menggunakan Magic Wand Tool
15.Hapus Background pada Layers
16.Klik Select > Inverse
17.Klik "Save Selection as Channel" pada Channels
18.Ubah Resolusi gambar menjadi 256 X 90 pixel
19.Klik File > Save As...
20.Pilih Format Targa (.TGA)
21.Pilih Resolution 32 bits/pixel
22.Simpan file .tganya di cstrike/gfx/vgui
Untuk yang tidak punya Adobe CS:
Download Dulu aplikasi ini Disini. Jika sudah di insttal:
1. Buka Half-Life Model Viewer
2. Buka w_<models>.mdl
3. Ganti Background Color menjadi Putih
4. Tekan Alt+PrintScreen pada Keyboard
5. Buka paint paste
8. Crop pada bagian senjata saja
*Penting* :Ubah Resolusi gambar menjadi 256 X 90 pixel
9. Save AS deh.
10. Buka Pixillion Image Converter
11.Klik add File dan cari di mna kamu Simpan .jpeg nya
12.Jika sudah ketemu Ganti Output format menjadi .tga
13.Dan Convert jika sudah di convert anda pasti kebingungan mencari gambar .tga anda
Jawabnya ada di <NamaUser>/Gambar saya
Answer <NameUser>/My Photos
EX: C/User/Ozziel/My Photos.
14..Simpan file .tganya di cstrike/gfx/vgui.
Coba anda tes !!!
NB : Text Warna Merah Itu terserah kamu pilih mw Putih / Hitam.
Cara Merubah Tampilan Senjata di Buy Menu Counter Strike 1.6
1. Buka Half-Life Model Viewer
2. Buka w_<models>.mdl
3. Ganti Background Color menjadi Putih
4. Tekan PrintScreen pada Keyboard
5. Buka Adobe Photoshop
6. Klik File > New
7. Klik Edit > Paste
8. Crop pada bagian senjata saja
9. Pilih bagian senjata yang tidak terpakai menggunakan Magic Wand Tool
10.Klik Select > Inverse
11.Klik Edit > Copy
12.Klik File > New
13.Klik Edit > Paste
14.Pilih bagian senjata yang tidak terpakai menggunakan Magic Wand Tool
15.Hapus Background pada Layers
16.Klik Select > Inverse
17.Klik "Save Selection as Channel" pada Channels
18.Ubah Resolusi gambar menjadi 256 X 90 pixel
19.Klik File > Save As...
20.Pilih Format Targa (.TGA)
21.Pilih Resolution 32 bits/pixel
22.Simpan file .tganya di cstrike/gfx/vgui
Untuk yang tidak punya Adobe CS:
Download Dulu aplikasi ini Disini. Jika sudah di insttal:
1. Buka Half-Life Model Viewer
2. Buka w_<models>.mdl
3. Ganti Background Color menjadi Putih
4. Tekan Alt+PrintScreen pada Keyboard
5. Buka paint paste
8. Crop pada bagian senjata saja
*Penting* :Ubah Resolusi gambar menjadi 256 X 90 pixel
9. Save AS deh.
10. Buka Pixillion Image Converter
11.Klik add File dan cari di mna kamu Simpan .jpeg nya
12.Jika sudah ketemu Ganti Output format menjadi .tga
13.Dan Convert jika sudah di convert anda pasti kebingungan mencari gambar .tga anda
Jawabnya ada di <NamaUser>/Gambar saya
Answer <NameUser>/My Photos
EX: C/User/Ozziel/My Photos.
14..Simpan file .tganya di cstrike/gfx/vgui.
Coba anda tes !!!
NB : Text Warna Merah Itu terserah kamu pilih mw Putih / Hitam.
Sabtu, 02 April 2011
Terjedi eror saat memulai game CS X
Jika terjadi masalah seperti ini Sulusinya mudah Kamu tinggal download 1 filenya Disini kemudian jika Keluar text metadata file or damaged bla...bla...bla........ kamu buka Half-life Batch File options>Vidio terus Ganti rendered menjadi d3d ato openGL kenapa saya post seperti ini karena banyak orang yang sudah mendownload CS X seperti ini....
Coming Soon dm_miniindonesia Maps !!!
Coming soon maps dm_miniindonesia provided we have a member forum 20 people. Visit our forum and register .
Jumat, 01 April 2011
MP5A4 With Aimpoint & Laser by Criztz & David
Map dm_b2 by Irvanlp!
Difficult DeathMatch Map. No One Can Win In This Map!
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